BC’s Story

When I went to my foster Mum’s house she took me to Girls’ Brigade which I had never heard of before. I didn’t want to go but she promised I didn’t need to go back if I didn’t enjoy it.

I didn’t know anyone there and wanted to sit at the side and not join in but the leader came and spoke to me to make sure I was OK. She didn’t force me to join in but told me how much fun the other girls were having.

At the end of the night my foster Mum asked if I had enjoyed myself and I just shrugged and didn’t say anything. She took me back the next week and one of the other girls came over to say hello. Everyone was playing tig and asked me to join in so I did and quite enjoyed it. I watched them sing a song that they all knew then the leader asked me to join in a science experiment so I did and had fun doing it. At the end of the night the leader thanked me for coming and asked me to come back again next week.

Now I have been at my foster home for a long time and always look forward to Girls’ Brigade because I have made lots of new friends and feel safe and happy when I go there.

BC – age 10

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